Municipalities & Management Companies

Effective and affordable solution for cities and any size management companies with a complete set of features to interact with residents

ESCO & Chain Establishments

Powerful technical platform for the activities organization of energy service companies, chain establishments, shopping, office centers and other private companies

Communal Enterprises

Progressive integration solution for collecting, analyzing and interacting data of any size municipal company

System Functionality

uMuni is a highly integrated solution that helps to automate business activities. Extensive functionality allows to implement a system for small, medium and large customers. The flexible system architecture can handle either just one or thousands of buildings.

Energy Management

Affordable tool for energy management in the company, based on an integrated analysis of temperature

Building Passportization

Detailed description of the building, it's technical documentation and engineering networks

Assets Management

Control of the property, rent objects and other property rights of institutions

Activities & Upgrading

All the activities and implementations tracking with details and responsible people description

Client Cabinet

Ability to interact with customers due to the wide functionality of a system

Equipment Passportization

Full accounting of equipment with usage details, technical description and history of use for efficiency analysis


Full functionality for receiving and processing requests and dispatching calls

ISO 50001 Projects

Tracking and monitoring projects, completed according to the ISO 50001 energy management standard


Generation and analysis of bills with the ability to choose between different units and situations


A wide range of tools for communication via system, email and SMS

Affordable Analytics

Analytics on the city level
  • Portfolio analysis that shows a complete picture of consumption across the organization
  • Losses analysis for communal enterprises
  • Evaluation of activities for specific or all objects to determine the most effective ones
Analytics on the buildings group level
  • Consumption‏ anomalies in a buildings group that are akin and have similar consumption patterns
  • Cluster analysis to identify, parameterize and evaluate large groups of buildings
  • Behavioral changes through approaches to provide most relevant information that affects decisions
Analytics on the building level
  • Specific consumption for historical analysis and all consumed resources conversion to the same units
  • Regression analysis based on the correlation of consumption and temperature, which is received from external service
  • Disaggregation for quick determination of industrial equipment used in the building (lighting, air conditioning, refrigerators, etc.)
  • Consumption prediction to plan spendings according to the features of each building
  • Anomalous consumption on the building level according to meters readings
Usage Points
Years of Data

System Architecture

uMuni integrates with a wide range of devices and other systems. Flexible data mapping system allows to describe and simulate effective interaction scenarios.

  • Integration with АСКОЕ and АСТОЕ
  • Data collection using web application and mobile devices
  • Receiving data streams via FTP and email
  • Data scraping from websites of other communal enterprises
  • Integration at the database level (direct extraction)
  • Getting data via REST API
  • Data collection from meters
  • Interaction with sensor devices at TCP/IP level


uMuni customers include municipalities, regional administrations, ministries and central authorities, chain stores and other chain establishments, housing cooperatives, management companies, communal enterprises, market places, companies, banks and production sites

Annual savings of 30 000 000 hryvnias!

Lviv City Council was able to save 30 million hryvnias in 2015 by deploying uMuni energy management system for 500 public buildings


The system is available in several delivery choices. The basic option is using uMuni as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), when customers use the expanded version of the system on the Internet without the need to have their own server. It is also possible to choose on-premises mode, when the system copy is deployed on client's server capacities.

Digital Enterprise

chain establishments, management companies, housing cooperatives

  • All the functionality of the system
  • 5 building meters
  • 25 apartments
  • 10 UAH for extra meter
  • 20 UAH for extra meter (automatic data collection)
  • 2 UAH for extra apartment

Smart Utility

ESCO, communal enterprises

  • All the functionality of the system
  • Analysis of chain and company losses
  • Integration with industrial systems
  • 10 UAH per meter
  • 20 UAH per meter (automatic data collection)
  • 2 UAH per tenant or client

Smart City

municipalities, central authorities

Call us!
  • All the functionality of the system
  • Open data and extensive interaction with residents
  • Data migrations from old systems
  • Help with modernization strategy development
  • Flexible pricing


Up to 15% economy for utilities cost

Any questions?

Call us: +380 (96) 466-92-23